Beyond Translation: Segmentation and Personalization at Scale

Deliver personalized content with precise audience-based segmentation.
 min read
Coframe Team

Open up the McDonald’s app in India, and you won’t find a Big Mac or Quarter Pounder. Rather, you’ll probably see photos of the McAloo Tikki burger or the Masala Grilled Veggie burger; rather than ads that involve Christmas or Halloween, campaigns there are more likely to be focused on Diwali. 

For brands looking to expand into a new geographic location—whether that’s the next town over or across the globe—good localization is key. Localization goes beyond simply translating a page’s text into another language: rather, it involves adapting its content, whether that’s textual or visual, to better align with a specific audience’s cultural norms and preferences.

Tailoring elements like tone, messaging, or product offerings, is a key way to make a brand feel more personal and relevant to new audiences as they try to scale to new geographic regions. This could be as simple as a sports retailer advertising surfing on its homepage in coastal areas and hiking in more mountainous ones, or as complicated as developing new menu items for regions with different dietary preferences like India (where a large portion of the population is vegetarian).‍

Localization is not a new concept—but has historically required teams of marketers to manually research and design a personalized experience for each region they’re looking to expand into. Plus, further segmenting a regional audience—say, into vegetarian and nonvegetarian populations in India—would take exponentially more effort. 

Coframe not only allows you to skip the research phase of localization, by finding the best copy and UI using generative AI, but also allows you to do so at scale—eliminating the need for human marketing teams—and segment your audience beyond geographic region; picture all customized landing pages for the adventurous surfer in Costa Rica, the soccer fanatic in Barcelona, and the marathon runner in Boston.

And the benefits go beyond just improving the user experience. By aligning your landing pages with the SEO keywords and copy that brought each visitor to your site, you can bring in more targeted users for a lower price.

A one-size-fits-all approach cannot address the wide range of pain points, goals, and preferences of a diverse customer base: in today’s era of global brands, customization is key. And with Coframe, this future of segmentation and personalization is within reach.

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